Friday, December 16, 2011

“I’m going to tell you something, and you have to swear not to hex me for it.”

“Excuse me? The fact that you’re telling me not to hex probably means that I’ll have good reason too.”

“Which is why I’m saying not to.  Just hear me out.”

“No promises.”

— RFWW, Chapter Five

Sunday, October 9, 2011


So, as some of you know, I started college in August.  It's been a crazy few months, but things are finally getting to a point where I can write again.  I re-started chapter five of RFWW tonight, but I've currently got a lot of inspiration, so hopefully I'll be able to do a lot tonight.  I'll post an excerpt later, but if you have comments/questions it's probably better to ask on my tumblr because that's where I am more often.


Love Always,

Monday, August 8, 2011

Well, Fuck

I had chapter five almost completely written.  And it got deleted.

back to the drawing board.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ten Years Later

The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House," even though is had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there...

There’s something you should know about me.  The things I hate the most have always become my favorites once I give them a chance.

But I was eight and had not yet discovered this fact about myself, so I went right on hating Harry Potter because the adults in my life told me to do so.

I had no idea that my grandfather bringing me to audition for a local independent film would change my life forever.

2001—I was about to enter the 4th grade, however, I was hired as the photo double for one of the child actors in this local film (which was only released in film festivals and never actually made it to the big time).  I took it, and spent the first two months of 4th grade on a movie set rather than in a classroom.

It was weird.  Wonderful and exciting and new, but weird.  There were six kids, my sister and I being the doubles and the others being the cast.  I didn’t realize it back then, but ten years later I see that the child actors were a bit conceited and did not treat my sister and me very well.  They thought they were better than us.

Except for one of them.

Her name was Izzy, and I will never forget her.  One hot day in August 2001 she and I were hanging out in her trailer (doubles didn’t get trailers, so I spent most of my time in hers), talking about random things, when I noticed a copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire sitting on the couch.  I laughed and said something along the lines of, “You don’t actually read those, do you?”  To which she looked a bit offended.

And then she dared me to read it.

She had to leave to film, and I was alone with the book.  Now you have to understand I was a good little girl.  I mean, I did everything my parents told me, I had perfect grades, I was the teacher’s pet in every class I had ever been in.

But Izzy had dared me.

So I picked it up.

Enter Frank Bryce and the story of the Riddle House.  I had no idea what was going on.  I was sure that these books would focus on some kid named Harry.  What’s a Wormtail?  Quidditch? Talking to snakes? Ministry of Magic?  Muggle?  Killing people with magic?  What?

Needless to say, I was not hooked. 

Izzy returned then, and I began to bombard her with questions.  To which she laughed and replied, “I’ll bring you my copy of Sorcerer’s Stone tomorrow.  That’s where it begins. You should start there.”

I spent every moment that I wasn’t filming or being tutored reading those books.  Izzy’s dad was a vital source of information for me.  He explained everything from the exact rules of Quidditch to the pronunciation of Hermione’s name.  The Steele family was a godsend. 

I didn’t know it then, but I think that I became so hooked on the first book because I really didn’t have any friends at that point in my life, other than Izzy, I mean.  Harry became that brother that I had never really known I wanted.  I loved Sorcerer’s Stone.  I loved hating Snape and being forced to acknowledge he was helping Harry in the end.  It was the first book that had ever challenged my opinion on a character, and I loved it.  Hagrid made me feel safe and I trusted Dumbledore to be there in the end.  Neville was sweet and Ron made me laugh and Hermione was me.  It was wonderful. 

I started Chamber of Secrets with high expectations and was not disappointed.  The Dursleys were properly awful and I hated them for what they did to Harry, but I was beginning to fall in love with adversity.  Up to this point in my life, I had never read much of anything with meaning.  I had never taken lessons from books, but Harry Potter showed me the way in which people aren’t all good or all bad.  Dobby had good intentions and horrid methods, Lockhart was shallow and cowardly and it actually made me smile a bit when Snape destroyed him in the dueling club.  Lucius Malfoy was vile, and it shed light on Draco’s personality.  I trusted Riddle (though in the back of my mind, echoes of that first chapter of Goblet made me wary), and then he turned out to be evil.  And Harry was loyal and brave and it saved them in the end.  He was becoming my hero.

Prisoner of Azkaban will always be my favorite (though Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows are an extremely close second and third).  Back then, I wasn’t so into trying to figure everything out before it happened, I just let the story take me where it wanted me to go, and that book was the better for it.  Sirius, Remus, and Peter shocked me.  At first I felt betrayed by Remus, whom I had grown to love, but then I realized that he would never betray Harry and Dumbledore.  Sirius was this shining light of hope that things would get better for Harry, and Peter was the scum of the earth.  But this book brought the Marauders into my life, and if you know me at all, you know that that era of Hogwarts holds a place of honor in my heart.  I loved the depth of their story, and the possibilities that it held.  I loved the tragedy and the way that they couldn’t always overcome it, but they were strong and they dealt with it regardless.  Hermione was brilliant in that book, as always, but she went to such great lengths to save both Buckbeak and Sirius that I grew to admire her even more than I already did.  She and Ron bickered the whole way through that book, and I loved that she was right in the end.

And then I was back in school and I borrowed/stole Goblet of Fire from the school library.  I still have that copy and love it for all that its worth (about 75 cents, actually, as I discovered when I, uh, accidently dropped it into a puddle and had to pay the librarian).  There was Frank Bryce and Voldemort and Wormtail and everything just waiting for me, and this time I understood it.  The Riddle House will always be one of my favorite chapters.  And then Harry became the fourth champion, and Ron was an idiot, and S.P.E.W was formed, and Winky, and Crouch, and Moody, and wow. It was an intense book, but Hermione was my favorite part.

I could probably write novels on Hermione Granger, but I will try to keep it short and sweet.  As much as I love Sirius and Remus and Fred and George Luna and Draco and everyone, at the end of the day, Hermione has to be my favorite character.  She has been ever since the troll in Sorcerer’s Stone.  She’s annoying and bossy and doesn’t have many friends, but she’s also brave and she stands up for what she thinks is right no matter what.  At first, I connected with her because I was the smartest person in my class and I was always a teacher’s pet, so most of the students in my elementary school didn’t like me.  But then I got to know Hermione better and saw that she was so much more than a bookish know-it-all.  She was a true friend and had a beautiful heart.  I saw it in the trial with Buckbeak and her fierceness in helping Hagrid, and again when she went to such lengths to save Sirius.  Then there was  S.P.E.W., and she was mocked for it and people told her she was wrong, but she alone saw the real unjustness of the situation and she alone tried to remedy the problem.  She fights for what is right, and she will always be the person that I strive most to be like.  Because for all her flaws, she is possibly the most truly good person in the series, and I love her with all my heart.

I finished all four books in time for the movie release of Sorcerer’s Stone in November, but my mom still wasn’t keen on the idea of witchcraft.  After much convincing, she brought me to the movie (not on the day it came out, unfortunately, but I got to go nonetheless).  And from that moment on, she never said another ill word about Harry Potter.  In fact, she has helped convince other parents about the goodness of the series.  She always tells them, “It’s not about witchcraft or magic, not really.  It’s about good vs. evil, and about the way that people should treat each other regardless of what they look like or think like or who they are.  Magic is just a backdrop.”

I didn’t see Izzy again until summer 2003 (we lived in different counties, so we didn’t really keep in touch after the filming ended), when we met by chance at the mall call to my house.  She and her mom had driven two hours to shop there (the mall is hardly anything special, which is why the coincidence is so great), and my mom, sister, and I had went for pretzels that afternoon.

Izzy and I talked for hours about what we thought would happen in the soon-to-be-released Order of the Phoenix, and to this day there is no person I liked to speculate with more.  Even though everything we thought was completely wrong. 

We went our separate ways again, and a few weeks later, I picked up Order of the Phoenix.  It was the first book I ever bought on the day that it was released, and I fell in love.  I adored the new angle with the Ministry being corrupt, and Umbridge is the single most detestable character I have ever (and will ever) read about.  The Umbridge Vs. Snape bit, while comical, also really forced me to choose to side with Snape for the first time (Lockhart aside).  It was strange, but Snape didn’t let me down.  And Harry was losing it and Dumbledore was avoiding him and Harry was just so isolated.  It was the book that I grew closest to him.  I hated everyone that stood against him, and wanted nothing more than for things to finally work out.  Then Sirius died, and I could just feel Harry’s world shattering and it broke my heart completely.  But Dumbledore helped put it back together just a little at the end, when he gave Harry the truth for once.  It didn’t fix the part of me that hurt for Sirius, but it did cause me to regain some faith in Dumbledore.  And the Order being there at the end to look out for Harry showed me just how much these people really do care for him, even if they can’t always show it.

Two years later, Half-Blood Prince was released.  I had since switched to a magnet school, and I felt like I fit in for the first time in my life, but Harry Potter was still something that I did on my own. I got the book the day it came out (it still has the little gold Reserved sticker to prove it), and absolutely devoured it.  I wasn’t so consumed in the mystery of the Half-Blood Prince’s identity as I was the mystery of Draco and the relationships that evolved in this book.  I felt like it opened up different sides of characters that we were never really able to see before.  But Dumbledore died.  And I hated Snape.  I had always loathed him, of course, but I was beyond any comprehensible emotion when I first read it because no matter how much I had disliked him in the past, I had always expected him to be loyal to Dumbledore, and I felt betrayed.  I kept expecting Dumbledore to return, alive and well, because he was Dumbledore, and I had grown up thinking of him as invincible.  He simply couldn’t be dead.  But he was.

During all of this, the second, third, and fourth movies had been released, and though I saw them day-of, the films had never really been a huge part of my Harry Potter experience.

Two years go by of re-reading and re-reading the six published novels.   There was a lot of speculation and discussion and so so so many theories.  But I made a decision during those two years that I will never forget.

Trust Snape.

To this day I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to figure out that Snape loved Lily, and that it was because of this that he had always protected Harry.  Now, he had still killed Dumbledore, and normally a school crush would not have been enough to sway my opinion, but over the years, I learned a lot from Jo Rowling, one of the most important things being the power of love.

Snape loved Lily.  And I let that be enough.

It was sort of earth-shattering (though that might be too strong a phrase), because I had hated him for six years, and I let one realization nix, not the hatred, but at least the distrust.  I knew Snape would do right by Harry, and it was completely new to feel that way about the greasy man that lived in Hogwarts dungeon and tormented an eleven year old because he looked like his father.

So there I was.  July 2007.  The summer when questions would finally be answered, when everything would end.  They said it would be a summer to remember.

It was July 10th and it was my first midnight release.  Order of the Phoenix.  I wish I could remember more about that night, but what stuck with me was the fact that my little sister and I (13 and 15, respectively), were breaking our town’s curfew by being at the movie without a parent.  But the cops here get it, I think, because even though both of us were obviously under 18 when we walked out of that theater at three in the morning, not a single one of the many police officers asked us for ID, they just let us go with the crowd.  I love the Harry Potter community.

Ten days later, my parents took my sister, my friend Christina, and myself to a Borders for the midnight release of Deathly Hallows.  It was chaotic and crazy, but it was one of the best nights of my life.  There was a trivia competition, costume judging, and about a hundred fans to speculate with one last time. It was magical.

I got the book and finished it in a day, and I was a mess.  I cried the whole way through.  It started when I read the dedication and did not stop until long after All was well.  But I realized something as I read that book.  I started off meticulously picking apart words and names and hints, trying to figure out what was going to happen in the end.  It was so different from when I picked up Sorcerer’s Stone for the first time and just allowed myself to be swept away by the story.  It was about the time of Dobby’s death that I realized my mistake.  Who cares if I could figure out what Ravenclaw’s horcrux was or if I could predict who would live and die?  It was a story that I started loving because it was magic, and trying to solve all the mysteries caused me to miss some of the truly magical things that the book had to offer.  So I started reading from there on like I had when I was eight years old, and the book was so much better because of that.  I don’t think I can accurately put my feelings toward the book into words, because it hurt so much to finish it.  It was over, I thought.

But not really.  There were still three movies and a theme park to go.

And there was fanfiction.

Two days after I finished Deathly Hallows, I posted the first chapter in a little story that I called Of Raindrops, Flowers, & Wishing Wells.  It began on a whim to write something about the Marauder’s Era, and now it has become so much more.  It has taught me almost everything I know about writing, and a lot about myself and my beliefs as well.  Four years and 360,130 words later, I start college in August to do so.
The Half-Blood Prince movie was one of my favorite midnight premieres.  My sister and I went again (still underage), and we had to squeeze in between two people that I still remember fondly. 

The girl that sat next to me was short with long black hair and heavily made-up eyes.  Right before the movie started, she looked at me and with complete secrecy and sincerity and whispered, “I heard that Dumbledore dies in this one.”

The guy sitting next to my sister was far more comical.  He had obviously stumbled into the theater by mistake and just decided to join the party.  He was half-drunk and proudly showed us pictures of the piles and piles of weed he had smoked while in Jamaica the previous week.  He then fell asleep on my sister’s shoulder and remained there for the entire movie.

It was weird, and sort of uncomfortable, but it just goes to show the way Harry Potter can bring the most unlikely people together in strange ways.  I don’t even know their names, but I’m not going to forget them any time soon.

The next time I saw Izzy was at a carnival.  She told me that she was going to acting school, and she was already getting jobs.   I told her that I was going to go to a state school to study English.  In eight years, we had gone our separate ways, become our own people but we still remembered each other as the two little girls who had sat in a trailer on a hot summer day and talked about Harry Potter for the first time.  We talked about all of our wrong predictions and how the real ending had been so much better, and I thanked her so much for the dare.  I haven’t seen her since.

Then came Deathly Hallows Part 1.  Myself and about fifteen others got together after school and all picked a character to dedicate a homemade t-shirt too, and we all wore them to the premiere that night.  We got there five hours early and got the best seats in the house, but we spent those five hours trying to decipher the mystery that is Macbeth, because we had a test on it the following day.  We all failed spectacularly.

Now it’s summer 2011, and my parents decided to take my sister and I to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  It was…amazing.  It honestly felt like coming home.  Everything was just how it should be and as soon as I walked in I knew that I would take my kids there someday.  Everyone needs a piece of that magic.

Now here I am, sitting on my bed and looking around at the bedroom I have lived in since I was eight.  There’s a Marauder’s Map banner on the wall that I got at the Deathly Hallows book release, a drawing a Ron that I made in preparation for my t-shirt, the entire collection of Harry Potter books (the Goblet of Fire I destroyed in 4th grade included), all of the extra books, as well as many theory books and guide books that I’ve collected over the years.   There are notes scattered about for Of Raindrops, Flowers, & Wishing Wells, a birthday card my sister drew me with Harry on it, a Hufflepuff mug, a Gryffindor lanyard, and so many memories of curling up in this bed and cracking open one of the books for the first (or fifteenth) time.

It’s July 14, 2011, and it all ends tonight.  I’ll be dressing up as Bellatrix and entering a costume contest, I’ll be winning a trivia competition (hopefully), and I’ll be seeing the movie at midnight with the rest of the world (or at least those in my time zone).  This is the first and only time that I will be there legally.

But even though it is the end of a cinematic era, it’s not over.  It’s not ever going to be over.  Because J.K. Rowling inspired people.  She inspired them to write and to draw and to live.  She taught us lessons that we will take with us always and teach to our own children.  That’s the real magic of it—it will live on long after our Queen Rowling is dead, and long after you and me, because, in the words of C. S. Lewis, “The imaginary things are a good deal more important than the real ones.”

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Technical Difficulties


Sorry that I haven't responded sooner, but Blogger is being dumb and it won't let me comment on anything. :/  I'm trying to make it work, so I guess we'll see. Haha.

Anyway, Chapter Four is up!  I hope that you like it!  It was a bitch to write, let me tell you, but it's finally done and I can move on to Chapter Five, which I've been looking forward to a lot more.

Also, just for fun:

 Top:  Edgar Bones (Alex Pettyfer), Regulus Black (Skandar Keynes), Sirius Black (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Stella Redwood (Diane Kruger), Gregory Pearson (Zac Effron), Alice Hinton (Allison Mack), Frank Longbottom (Josh Duhamel)
Middle:  Marlene McKinnon (Emma Roberts), Fabian Prewett (Bradley James), James Potter (Gaspard Ulliel), Lily Evans (Kate Mara), Severus Snape (???), Wyatt Avery (Iwan Rheon)
Bottom:  Mary Macdonald (Lucy Griffiths), Emmeline Macdonald (Kristen Bell), Waverly Rivers (Liu Yifei), Caradoc Dearborn (Jude Law), Remus Lupin (James Marsden), Vanessa Reese (Jennifer Connelly), Peter Pettigrew (Tobey Maguire)

Jules did this first, and I liked hers so much that I decided to make one as well.  But somehow, Constance got left off, so here's something for her:

Also, I am TOTALLY THRILLED right now because I just found out that I got a 5 on my AP Literature and Composition Exam!!  I am just in a state of blissful shock. :D

Love Always,

"Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

“First of all, don’t sneak up on me like that,” she told him. “Second of all, don’t call me Red.”

“What’s wrong with Red?”

“It’s highly unoriginal.”

“I didn’t know you cared about my creativity.”

Update is coming along well.  And this song is just brilliant. I adore Kate Voegele.

Love Always,

Never let success go to you head and never let failure go to your heart.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Am Just the Worst Type of Human Being




I just graduated high school, so everything has been insanely busy trying to get everything sorted for the end of the year.  BUT, on the positive's SUMMER. And I can therefore be a typing fiend all day long.  Speaking of, as soon as I finish this post, I'm off to write.  I'll update Raindrops first (hopefully within the next few days) and then I'll do Wings (hopefully by this weekend).  So that's the plan.  MAKE ME STICK TO IT.  Seriously, the more you bug me, the more I want to write. (:

Happy summers to all.

Love Always,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -- Forrest Gump

Eep!  Please don't kill me!  I know this is taken months a lot longer that I thought it would.  But life gets in the way.  On a positive note, I got in to the Honors college at UTC and ended up with a full ride!  On the down side, I thought that my spring break would be free for writing, but I ended up with a ten page paper on Invisible Man instead.  So I haven't had much time to work on the chapter.

Then I have prom on April 2nd, so that weekend is shot, and this coming weekend I have to take my best friend dress shopping and find a way to get a tan.  Ain't life grand?

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am not, in fact, dead, and I am attempting to write in all of my spare moments.  I won't say when to expect an update, because I truly have no idea.  But in the mean time, I really suggest reading the story Give Me A Purpose (link in side bar).  Stacey is a really good writer for not being very far into her story, and I highly recommend it.  It inspired me today, in fact.

Also, an excerpt from Chapter Four:
“So what, you went home for the summer and magically changed into a respectable person that actually likes me? And that I would actually date? Come on, Potter. You know as well as I do that that is completely impossible."
Thanks  for being patient guys!

EDIT:  Raindrops got recommended on Jules's rec blog: Handless Reading Corner.  My life is complete. (:

EDIT EDIT: Loving [this].

Love Always,

Saturday, January 29, 2011


“Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration.” --Niccolo Machiavelli

They're all too old and too attractive, but you get the idea.  Some of the people listed have not yet appeared in the story. Sorry for the funky order they are in.  Blogger is being weird.
Caradoc Dearborn--James Franco

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chapter Three!

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." --Ayn Rand
She is Lily Evans.
Playlist for Chapter Three:
Rabbit Heart (Florence and the Machine)
Words We Speak (Hawk Nelson)
Waiting for the World to Change (John Myer)
You Have Stolen My Heart (Dashboard Confessional)
Welcome to the Black Parade (My Chemical Romance) MCR iz soo goff!!1!!11!!  (If you don't get it, read My Immortal. Haha)

Anyway, I've pretty satisfied with this chapter.  Sirius and Rita were my favorites to write.  I've never written Rita before, but she was surprisingly easy and loads of fun. (:

Next Chapter:
Rita's article about James and the immediate repercussions.
Edgar opens up a bit to someone unexpected.
Quidditch trials.
Lily gets a bit of revenge.
Dumbledore does an intervention of sorts.

Love Always,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear Mr. Potter

 "Books! And cleverness!  There are more important things--friendship and bravery."
-- Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

This was my submission for Dear Mr. Potter.  I just thought I would share it with you all as well.  As I'm sure you noticed, Harry Potter forever changed me. (:


Also, Chapter Three Spoilers:

We meet Auror Octavian Conrad.
Lily and James each write a letter.
Peter talks back to a teacher.
James quotes Shakespeare.

We've just had a snowstorm here, so after I go out and freeze for a long time, I'll definitely get some writing done.  I've got about 5,000 words already.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chapter Two

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
-Robert Brault

Dream A Little Dream Playlist:
Sympathy (Goo Goo Dolls)
Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (Fall Out Boy)
Who We Are (Lifehouse)
Book of Me and You (The Maine)
Best Is Yet to Come (Red)  <<This song is on my playlist for the story as a whole as well. (:
Reach Out (Take That)
Can't Fall Down (Natasha Bedingfield)
Unwell (Matchbox 20)

I just posted the second chapter.  It's all right, but I'm not particularly thrilled with it. 


I was considering saving James' dream for a later point in the story, but it's reoccurring, so I decided to go ahead and introduce it.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I love writing Bitch!Constance.

I just hope that everything was clear.  Major points:
- Logan Barber was kidnapped by Death Eaters
- Edgar Bones is the son of the Minister for Magic, and his dad is involved in numerous scandals.  Minister Bones is set to go on trial so the Wizengamot can determine if he is fit to remain in office.
- James receives a mysterious letter than is relieving to him.
- Bellatrix decides to teach the class about Dark Wizards in order to better prepare them to fight.
- Alice is giving an ominous prediction in Divination.

And because you're wonderful, this is an excerpt from Chapter Three:
“You shouldn’t speak to government officials like that, Black,” he spat the name as if it were an insult, and Sirius took it as such. “You wouldn’t want your future falling into the hands of someone who could lock you up for the rest of your life.” 
But Sirius Black had never feared the Ministry, and he never would. In later years, people would call him unhinged for that, but though he made it difficult to see, Sirius, perhaps, had more sense than any of them.
Love Always,

Friday, January 7, 2011


You guys, if you have not read My Immortal, you must.  Jules posted the link, and I have never laughed so hard.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Writing Tips: #3 LilyJames/Marauder Era Stories

"I am in love with words. Words that touch--they may hurt, but they touch and that's what counts."

When writing a Lily/James story, or any Marauder Era story, the very first thing you need to do is research.

Yeah, I know.  Gross.  But it’s necessary if you want your story to be at all accurate.  The 
is fantastic, but don’t take everything there as absolute fact because they do make mistakes.  Double check what you can with the books—they’re the most canon thing out there. Obviously.

I’ll give you a few vital facts:
·         Lily and James started their 7th year in 1977 (6th in 1976, 5th in 1975, etc.)
·         James played CHASER.
·         Alice Longbottom’s maiden name is never given, so you can make it up.  But it is not Prewett.  Gideon, Fabian, and Molly were the Prewetts, if Alice had been one, Neville and Ron would have been cousins.
·         Regulus is one year younger than Sirius.
·         Bellatrix is 25 or 26 when Lily and James are in their 7th year. (Andromeda is 2 years younger than Bellatrix, and Narcissa is 2 years younger than Andromeda, roughly).
·         Lucius Malfoy is 4 or 5 years older than Lily and James.
·         James’ parents were very old, even for wizards, when they had him, and they died natural deaths.
·         Voldemort’s campaign started in the early 1970s. (At least, that’s when he began gathering followers).
·         The Marauders discover Remus’ secret in 2nd year, and became Animagi in 5th.
·         Snape’s Worst Memory occurs at the end of 5th year.  When exactly he found out about Remus is controversial because it is generally accepted to have happened towards the end of Lily’s 6th year, but in DH, she talks to Snape about it while they are still friends.  So that is up to you.
·         Sirius runs away after 6th year.
·         Peter switches sides in 1979 (so after they leave Hogwarts).  This is also the year the Regulus dies and Trelawney makes the prophecy.
·         As far as Prefects go, there are approximately 6 from each House as long as none of them are Head Boy or Girl.  There are two from 5th, 6th, and 7th years.  Prefects ARE allowed to deduct points, but not from fellow Prefects.
·         Canon classes:  Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Arithmancy, and Flying (possibly only for first-years).
·         Madam Pomfrey was the nurse while the Marauders were at school.
·         The Minister for Magic (the ‘for’ is used in the British, ‘of’ is used in American) during the Marauder Era is unknown.  You can choose anyone.
·         Mary Macdonald is in Lily’s House while Lily is at Hogwarts, but her year is never mentioned.
·         Dorcas Meadowes is spelled M E A D O W E S.
·         Pages 173 and 174 (in the American hardback version of OotP) detail the original Order and how they died.  It’s in Chapter 9 if you don’t have that version.
·         Lily lived on or near Spinner’s End.  The beginning of HBP gives a good description of it, and it is suspected to be located in the Industrial North of England.

Some of those things seem really basic, I know, but you would be surprised at how little some people know.  And I’m not saying that I know everything—not even close—but I have done a significant amount of research on the time period, so feel free to ask me anything that you’re not sure about.

Okay, moving on to the actual story.  The very first thing you need to do (at least, in my mind), is figure out your characterization.  Please, please don’t make Lily a bitch.  We know that she loathed James, but my advice with the two of them is make James hate-able.  I know that sounds crazy, but I’m serious.  I think you should start your story in 5th or 6th year at the latest to give James (and Lily) room to grow as characters.  So give Lily a reason to hate James.  Make him immature and aggravating.  If he’s really sweet and she hates him, she’s just a horrible person.

On that vein, put some thought into you characters.  It’s easy to say Lily was sweet and caring and brave and everyone loved her. What’s not easy is to say Lily was nice, but she was judgmental and rude as well.  Find her flaws.  Find flaws in everyone.  If you want to write about boring perfect people, try Twilight fanfiction instead.

Try something new.  Whoever said that Lily was a bookworm who studied all the time?  Sure, she was a Prefect and Head Girl, but maybe she got those positions for something other than her grades.  She was bright, yes, but make her into a different character than the same boring little work-a-holic that hundreds of other authors have written.

Remember this—Peter was a Marauder.  There was something good in him.  Find it, and make him a part of your story.  He was vital to Lily and James; make him out to be that way.  Also, please give Petunia and Vernon some sort of depth.  I know that they aren’t the most interesting or kind people, but don’t let your later prejudices affect the characters at this stage.  Petunia’s not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but neither is Lily.  Find balance.

And whatever you say about your characters, make sure that their actions demonstrate those traits.  You go on for pages about Lily’s kindness, but if she yells all the time and has a super short temper, that’s how readers will judge her.  It’s true what they say—actions speak louder than words.

The next thing you need to do (that 95% of authors on fail to) is find a reason for your story.  I’ve done another post about this already, but it is vital.  I absolutely will not read something that has no deeper meaning.  I’m not saying that your story has to be completely profound, but look at these two examples:

Lily and James were sitting by the lake.  How they had ended up their together, Lily could not recall, but there they sat.  She studied him out of the corner of her eye.  He was still in his Quidditch uniform—a red and gold long-sleeved jersey clung to his chest and stomach, highlighting muscles that Lily blushed and looked away from.  His hair was messier than normal because of the wind that blew from across the water.  He wore an unreadable expression as he played with the snitch he carried with him everywhere.
Lily mentally checked her own appearance in embarrassment.  She was in flannel pants and a tank top.  Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wore no makeup.
“You look beautiful,” said James as if he had read her mind.
Lily gave him a suspicious look.  “Why do you say things like that?”
James shrugged.  “Because it’s true.”

“Do you mean it?  When you call me arrogant?”
Lily looked at him, her expression almost pitying, and she nodded.
James started to protest, but she held up a hand to silence him.  “You don’t have any reason to be humble,” she explained.  “You’re James Potter.  You’re something of a legend at Hogwarts.  You’ve grown up rich and powerful.  You’re talented, you’re smart, most of the school adores you.”  This, with a laugh and a shake of the head: “Why would you ever be anything but arrogant?”
“Because no one likes arrogance,” he told her softly, looking out across the water rather than at her.
“Please,” she scoffed, but there was a small smile in her voice.  “People always look past the flaws of their heroes.”
“Maybe they shouldn't.”
“They have too,” Lily told him, and their eyes met.  Hers contained a certain conviction.  “If they didn't, there wouldn't be any heroes.  And people need heroes.  They’re the only reason that there’s any hope left in times like these.”
Yes, the first passage and cute and sweet, but what do you take away from it?  It’s like a thousand other dialogues from a thousand other stories.  The second passage (taken from a later scene in RFWW) actually says something about the characters.  It gives you a glimpse of their thoughts and feelings.  It means a little more than what the characters are wearing and what James does that is adorable.

The point of this is that I want you to write a story, not an account of looks and words.  Make me feel something.  Challenge my beliefs.  Surprise me, thrill me, and hold my attention.

After you get those things out of the way, I suggest that you outline your story all the way through.  It’s a pain, but it keeps you on track so that you don’t trail off or write yourself into a corner.

Put something different into your plot.  There are a million stories out there that go like this:  1. Lily finds out she’s Head Girl. 2. She gets on the train and sees that James is Head Boy. 3. She realizes that he has miraculously changed over the summer. 4. She has a boyfriend. 5. He cheats on her. 6. James comforts her.  7. She likes James, but id too afraid to tell him.  8. There’s some sort of Ball or Party in which Lily confesses to James and they live happily ever.

My biggest issue with that classic plot is this: Why the hell would James just magically change over the summer?  Come on.  He probably spent his entire summer goofing around with Sirius and playing Quidditch.  He is not going to grow up because of that.  I want to read a story that shows James changing. Bring in Voldemort, introduce tragedy, give James a reason to grow up.

Just…tell me a story with deep characters and themes.  Make the world that they live in come to life.  Put deeper meaning into your chapters, don’t just tell me what happened, tell me how the characters felt about the events that occur.  Explain the causes and the results of actions.  Tell me why things are the way they are and why characters act a certain way. 

Write fearlessly.  People are going to judge you, ignore it.  You are not going to make everyone happy, and people are going to want things in your story that you don't want to put there.  Write your story, not the story other people want to read.  I respect those who write what they want far more than I respect those who write for the public.

Above all else, inspire me.  That’s the mark of a great writer.  They teach and they inspire, and that is what you need to strive for in every piece you write.

I truly hope this helps.  If you need anything re-explained or if I left something out that you want to see, just let me know. (:

Love Always,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Inspired and Chapter Two

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." -Kurt Cobain

I just saw Life As We Know It for the first time, and decided that I have to do an L/J story based off of that movie!  You know...when I finish everything else that I'm working on... :P

ALSO, excerpt from Chapter Two (Dream A Little Dream):
She was pretty, James decided absentmindedly. Too-skinny, certainly, but her red hair was long and fell about her thin shoulders in a flattering sort of way. She had a straight, pointed nose that wrinkled slightly whenever her expression changed, and her lips were a light pink color. He knew she had a pretty smile, though he had never been on the receiving end of it. He liked the way her teeth were too big for her face and how they all showed when she smiled. 
This was Evans. It didn’t matter what she looked like, because she would always have that better-than-you attitude. That pretty pointed nose would always be in the air. That extra-large smile would never grace her lips in his presence.
I want to do another Writing Tip as well, but I'm not sure what would be the most useful to you all  (especially Rebecca, since she mentioned it (: ).  So let me know.  Do you want something like Setting, or something broader, like writing an L/J story in general?  I'll do whatever you prefer.

Love Always,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Questions Answered

Why is Marlene a McKinnon?  Shouldn't she be something else because the McKinnon family dies.
I took this to mean why is she a McKinnon now rather than later, why does she not get married and then get killed.  And the answer is this:  I debated both storylines, but I decided on this one because she does have a love interest in the story (later), but the McKinnons that get killed are herself and her parents and siblings.  She never marries.

Are the pairings still going to be the same?

Is Stella going to be the same?
For the most part, but I'm making her a bit less...Mary-Sue.  She's not quite as perfect in the new version, and I like her better for that.

Is it the same plot as the original?
All of the major parts of the original (plot-wise) are included in the new version, but there is more to it.

How far have you written compared to the original?
I can't really compare them at this point because I'm adding practically a whole year into the story (there were only a few chapters over fifth year in the first version, now I'm adding more).  But I have about fifty or sixty thousand words written as of now.

Will the detention/troll blood scene be included?
Absolutely.  It's one of my favorites.  But I've expanded it.

RFWW Chapter One

"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well."

Well, the new version of Chapter One is posted!  It's posted as a new story because there were a few people that wanted me to leave the old one up as well.


The new version is the story now.  If you don't want to read it, that's fine.  I'll post when the new version has caught up to the old one, but I really think you should read the new one.  Fifth year is practically a whole new story, since I didn't really have much about that year in the old version.

You can ask questions here (I don't mind if you post anonymously), and I will be answering a lot of questions about the new story here as well, so make sure you check back if you want anything answered!

Playlist for Chapter One:
The Adventure (Angels & Airwaves)
Princes and Frogs (Superchick)
Heroes and Thieves (Vanessa Carlton)
Crystal Village (Pete Yorn)

Love Always,

Saturday, January 1, 2011


The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

Happy New Year!  I'm a bit late, but there was this party... Haha.

Anyway, this is the year that:

  • I graduate high school and start college.
  • Raindrops gets re-posted as a new story (eventually).
  • Raindrops has its fourth birthday.
Just so you know where I am with my writing, Secondhand Wings Chapter 11 (tentatively titled 'Defining Moments') has about 4,000 words.  Raindrops Chapter 51 is only at about 2,000.  However, I'm debating on leaving it there (as 50 was a fitting way to end it) and just start posting the new version. That version is at 26,768 words right now.  It also has a full outline.  Like, the ENTIRE story.  It took up about 80 hand-written pages.

So basically, bug me to write.  That seems to be the only way I get anything done. :P

And again, HAPPY 2011!  I hope sincerely that you write some good stories and read some good books, meet some nice people and have the best year of your life to date. (:

Love Always,